03 May 2010 by Published in: iphone No comments yet

Well, I’m certainly not hurting for work at the moment; my inbox is full of inquiries (mostly fly-by-night folks who want to do “revenue sharing”).

However, after discovering that I’m result #5 on Google for “find an iPhone developer“, I figured it might be a good idea to have a rant-free landing page for my iPhone consulting business that would convert better than reading blog posts full of yelling and swearing.

30 minutes of dragging and dropping in iWeb later (I know, I know… but it was so easy…) I have a new “professional-looking” landing site.  So if you want to hire an iPhone developer, send me an e-mail.

Want me to build your app / consult for your company / speak at your event? Good news! I'm an iOS developer for hire.

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