So. It’s fashionable lately to whine about app review. I’ve done it. I’ve blogged about how evil it is. Being at WWDC though, and hanging around Apple reps 24/7, I’ve started to drink the kool-aid. Now, I still think app review is often terribly unfair (I’ve had some absolutely awful rejections). But. I’m kinda starting […]

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In: iphone,rants | Tags:

1 Jun 2010, by


I keep trying to find a cloud service that will let me back up all my computers (3TB) for a reasonable price ($<500/yr) and let me manage it (no Backblaze, Mozy, etc.) It continues to amaze me that nothing comes close to simply colocating a NAS. And if you think about it, even colocating 3TB […]

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In: rants | Tags:

I’m doing freelancing full-time this summer. Here’s a brief summary of what I’ve learned so far.

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Due to hardware problems, I’ve managed to lose quite a bit of data. My most recent full backup was from 2009. If you know me, you know I have a very ridiculous backup setup, with stuff stored on multiple continents and pretty much instantly restorable going back years. Unfortunately, Sealed Abstract was not part of […]

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I’m finally getting around to publishing bassdll, a project that (unfortunately) has sat on my shelf for over a year now. bassdll is an arduino sound/music engine that lets you wire up piezo buzzers across your arduino pins and make multichannel music! Check out the demo below: Check out the source on github.

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> We lose nothing by having closed systems. For good or for bad, for the past 25 years or so, programmers have effectively been subsidized in that the tools to design and create programs are effectively the same as the tools to *run* programs. So every system, simply by installing a compiler, is ready to […]

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So it looks like my wish has come true: Phoenix Wright is finally headed to the iPhone. I’ve blogged about how lacking the iPhone games market really is, and how this series was a point sample of how Nintendo still owns the market. That ownage may be slipping. As a prominent iPhone developer, I’d be […]

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A lot of developers (myself included) have expressed disappointment in the app store on ideological grounds. Can’t install your own software! Apple keeps competitors off the platform! Apple doesn’t let innovative apps through! But there’s another angle to this that nobody’s covering. The app store keeps piracy off the platform. Not because it makes buying […]

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Well, I’m certainly not hurting for work at the moment; my inbox is full of inquiries (mostly fly-by-night folks who want to do “revenue sharing”). However, after discovering that I’m result #5 on Google for “find an iPhone developer“, I figured it might be a good idea to have a rant-free landing page for my […]

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