It takes a couple of bad clients to bulletproof your contracts.  If you’re new at software contracting, you may know enough to know that you need a contract, but you don’t have the experience to know what to put in it.  But rather than waiting for that bad client to test your contract, learn from our mistakes […]

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In: business | Tags:

There’s been a lot of chatter about AT&T and the state of internet connectivity in our country in light of AT&T’s recent decision to start capping bandwidth and merge with the other wireless company, T-Mobile.  The short version is that Comcast tried throttling and QoS, which mostly failed due to the whole Network Neutrality movement […]

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25 Apr 2011, by

About Dropbox

I’ve been meaning to write a post about the many people complaining about Dropbox’s security for awhile.  The complaint basically boils down to: “If they can access your computer, they can access your Dropbox account”, which can actually be shortened to just “If they can access your computer, bad things”, which is where the real […]

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From Founders At Work: No, it was never clear that we were on to something huge. You never know anything. The hardest part in a startup is that you wake up one morning, and you feel great about the day, and you think, “We’re kicking ass.” And then you wake up the next morning, and […]

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(Alternately Titled How to Find a Technical Cofounder) I’m an Austin-based iPhone Developer with a lot of experience. So I get about a couple people a day, 365 days a year, who inquire about my services. I’ve cataloged a few thousand inquiries at this point (99% don’t pan out, obviously). An awful lot of these […]

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In: iphone,rants | Tags:

One of the things that entrepreneurs do is they try to reverse-engineer other companies the way security researchers reverse-engineer software. What was it that made company X succeed? The general consensus in the startup world is that it’s the people. Not the technology, not the business plan, not the idea, but something about the founders. […]

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Bion writes: I’m a theoretical mathematician, which, for those who may not know, means that I love math because it’s math (as opposed to practical mathematicians who are interested in math for its applications). So, my complaint might surprise you, because I’m annoyed that math education doesn’t provide any motivation for what I’m doing. So […]

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This guy says you need $100k to make a game: Some of my clients are surprised when I tell them that the development of Angry Birds cost $140k, and probably at least double that since, because they physically cannot see where the money has gone. To the untrained eye, Angry Birds appears the same as Camelot Smashalot, and […]

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31 Mar 2011, by

New rule: NDAs

There’s been a lot of writing about why not to sign NDAs from the point of view of a software developer getting hired or a potential cofounder coming to you with an idea.  But what about in a paid / contractor situation?  Isn’t an NDA par for the course? Yes.  Lots of other iOS developers […]

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29 Mar 2011, by

On Culture

It is usually within the context of a culture that innovation exists.  Whether we’re talking about a culture constructed around a shared interest (hacker culture or something more specific like iOS programmer culture) or a local type of culture to some city or some district or some organization, or some intersection of the these two […]

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