29 December 2011 by Published in: rants 15 comments

Think for a minute about what you work on. In your work life, in your side projects. What are you going to do this upcoming week that is really, really hard? This is not a rhetorical question–it’s the kind that shouldn’t raise a null reference exception. There should be something.

Because you are a good developer. You’re way above the Fizzbuzz level–you read blog posts about programming in your spare time, because you’re here. That’s top 10% right there, which is purely the admission price of reading this article. If you have gone to a couple of meetups or learned a new language this year, you’re top 1%. If you’ve put 80 hours into a side project this year, you’re top .05%.

So why are you writing CRUD apps?

I’ll tell you why. Because CRUD is the universal application [1]. CRUD on every platform. CRUD on the web, on iOS, on desktop, in embedded, in Microsoft Access, in Oracle, on Rails, on PHP, CRUD. CRUD at startups. CRUD at enterprises. In a box, with a fox. It’s the “Java everywhere” dream Sun failed to achieve. Every time you write a CRUD app, Jonathan Schwartz gets a nickel and Knuth dies a little inside. Take a good, hard look at what you are working on and compute your Levenshtein distance from being a Sun drone.

There are two reasons why you need to put your foot down and stop doing CRUD. The first is because CS, mathematics, engineering, and every discipline need the best and brightest people doing things that actually matter, not cranking out SQL queries. We have genuinely tough battles to fight: the power wall in hardware, computational complexity in CS, user interaction is in the dark ages, self-driving cars, biotech, SOPA and related threats, dozens of others–we’re fighting a 100-front war. Your colleagues need you. Your company needs you. Your field needs you. Humanity needs you. Why are you dodging the draft? We have wars to fight, and you are sitting at home typing SELECT in all caps.


From You and Your Research:

Over on the other side of the dining hall was a chemistry table. I had worked with one of the fellows, Dave McCall; furthermore he was courting our secretary at the time. I went over and said, “Do you mind if I join you?” They can’t say no, so I started eating with them for a while. And I started asking, “What are the important problems of your field?” And after a week or so, “What important problems are you working on?” And after some more time I came in one day and said, “If what you are doing is not important, and if you don’t think it is going to lead to something important, why are you at Bell Labs working on it?” I wasn’t welcomed after that; I had to find somebody else to eat with! That was in the spring.

In the fall, Dave McCall stopped me in the hall and said, “Hamming, that remark of yours got underneath my skin. I thought about it all summer, i.e. what were the important problems in my field. I haven’t changed my research,” he says, “but I think it was well worthwhile.” And I said, “Thank you Dave,” and went on. I noticed a couple of months later he was made the head of the department. I noticed the other day he was a Member of the National Academy of Engineering. I noticed he has succeeded. I have never heard the names of any of the other fellows at that table mentioned in science and scientific circles. They were unable to ask themselves, “What are the important problems in my field?”

We have difficult problems to solve and we need our A-players on the field. When you can play at the super bowl, you don’t sit on the bench.

Although it was industry-specific, I was moved by the way Gruber phrased it:

One simple way to look at it is that there are far more people who’ve never bought an iPhone and who’ve never bought an iPad, who will in the next five years than all of us who’ve already bought at least one to this point. And I don’t see how anybody can deny that, unless something unbelievable, dramatic changes. That’s certainly the way everything is going now. If you think this app store platform is big now, you really haven’t seen anything yet. At an event last week, Tim Cook had a line – he said, ‘This is an extraordinary time to be at Apple’. And He is definitely right. But I say to you, ‘This is an extraordinary time to be an Apple developer’ .This is the right time and the right place. This is a once in a career opportunity. This is like being a Rock and roll musician in the late sixties. This is like being a film maker in the seventies following Scorsese, Coppola, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas (when he was sane). If things go right, if things go the way I think they are going to go, these next five years, we are never going to work harder, we are never going to be under more pressure, we’re never going to be more stressed, we are never going to feel like we have to work faster and we are never going to have to solve tougher problems. We’re never going to have to move this fast. But the only thing any of us are going to regret is if we don’t aim big enough. If you don’t feel that you’re now in a position to do the best work of your entire career, to look back and say, ‘This was the time, I was there, I did this, I helped make this thing a reality’, then you need to find a new position. This chance will never come again. And we are lucky, we’re so unbelievably, incredibly lucky that it even came this once.

The other reason is entirely practical–anyone can do CRUD. People working for $10/hour in Outsourceizstan can do CRUD. Maybe not well–but it doesn’t need to be done well. It just needs to be done. Cheaply, if at all possible.

So every time you look at a CRUD project, you’re competing with people in Outsourceizstan who make 20% what you do. CRUD is, quite quantitatively, a job on the same level as stocking shelves at a grocery store. Unskilled labor is a fine and noble profession, but if you have a highly marketable skill it’s probably not the career path for you.

You may say “This is all fine and good, but I’m getting paid big bucks for CRUD.” But you do not get paid big bucks in a vacuum. A company that is willing to pay you US market rates for CRUD is a temporary market aberration. You are one new boss away from being out on the street, exposed for the obscene cost center you are. At which point you will have many years of CRUD on your resume, instead of being the guy who worked in audio compression or graph theory or scalable systems. Ride the gravy train, but make the conscious effort to stay current. Winter’s coming.

As a contractor, one of the things I look for to qualify leads is “Is the project hard?” For example, a lot of people use the word “simple” when talking about the app they want to build (“I want to make a simple app that…”) which is really a kind of secret code for “easy” or “cheap”. (They are completely oblivious the fact that practically the whole mantra of Steve Jobs, and of the iPhone, is that simple is hard and expensive, and obliviousness is a very bad trait in clients.) Whenever somebody says “simple”, I know immediately that the project is going to Outsourceizstan. Often the clients do not know this themselves. Time and effort is poured into the sale. Conference rooms are stocked with cupcakes and coffee. Then, all of a sudden, they find some underappreciated undergrad to do it, and stop returning your calls.

Although I am a happy contractor, occasionally I humor job offers. In addition to a full deck of other questions I ask, I inquire “So what are you going to do if you have trouble filling the position?” Usually they look at me like I am crazy and and that they are sure the right person is in the resume pile, or that I are not the only candidate that they are talking to, or some equivalent response. Which is code for “This job is not very hard.” As soon as they say that, the jig is up–they are hiring a warm body to write a for loop or two and go to meetings twice a week, and they can fulfill those requirements a lot more cheaply than by hiring a real professional software developer. Other people can tackle that; you were born to solve real problems.

When I was starting out, I would describe what I do as “writing iPhone apps,” which was both accurate and sufficient. But as the market has matured, I’ve started to say we “write really hard iPhone apps, that are too hard for other developers to write.” It’s not that we’ve taken on projects that are much harder than what we’ve always done, but that the bottom of the market has dropped to do the floor, with a lot of things these days being cookie cutter types of code that really anybody can whip together. And the “we do really hard things” positioning turns away all of the cheap people and yields a lot of high-quality referrals from people who really are doing rocket science and as a result need somebody really good.

Of course the supply-side economics for working on hard things is good if you are a developer, because you are a big fish in a small pond.  But what about the demand side?  There is a limitless demand for CRUD, but only a limited demand for novel research, right?

It’s true that the demand is more limited.  One thing I’ve observed, particularly in the business world, is that people seek out incremental improvements to existing tools. CRUD projects get started because it is easy for a manager to imagine how to improve upon Excel. It is a lot harder to imagine a revolution. Can you even think of what the first meeting for the iPhone project must have been like? Perhaps Steve Jobs stood up and said “We’re going to make a revolutionary, simple phone.” But what does that even mean? Where are the requirements? Perhaps you can enumerate a few disrequirements–existing phones have bad UIs and are difficult to use. But we are not within 100 miles of a single feature, or even a form factor. It’s not exactly the sort of thing you can write a spec for and bid out to ten shops.

But it turns out that the demand for iPhones is enormously huge.  You just have to be willing to put in the time and effort and R&D.  Which requires buy-in from the people around you; they have to be on board with breaking the chain of incremental improvement and working on the revolution.  This may not be the case where you work. One of your biggest constraints for Doing Hard Things is the imaginations of those around you. If your manager is a visionary and your coworkers bank at San Serriffe, then you have a nonzero shot at working on something decent. But otherwise you will spend your days poorly re-implementing Excel. Don’t do that. We need you. We need you to push the world forward.  Leave the incremental improvements to others.  Find a community of bold revolutionaries.

As you are reflecting over your work this past year, think about what you have worked on that is Really Hard. Think about how you have pushed a discipline forward, an industry forward, and your customers forward. Think about how you transformed a company, made a new discovery, developed a novel algorithm, improved the runtime of code by an order of magnitude, written a better malloc, saved someone a million dollars, and added to human knowledge. If you’re not playing at this level, get it together. Do Something Hard. Do something so that you will look back a year from now and say “I was here, I did this, I made a difference.” Either that or move to Outsourceizstan.

You don’t have to suddenly quit your job and have a mid-life crisis.  You can start small.  Start reading an academic journal.  Start that open-source project you’ve been meaning to work on.  Sketch out the wireframes for that app.  Just as one dollar a day through the magic of compound interest makes millions over a lifetime, 20 minutes of time invested per day pays enormous dividends over decades.  Breakthroughs are made with far less.  You don’t have to join a monastery and swear off HN forever.  You just have to start.

git commit -a -m "Initial commit"

[1] When I talk about writing CRUD software in this article, I don’t mean solving a thorny business problem with an implementation that just so happens to consist of a CRUD application. Nor do I mean an application that is 90% CRUD and 10% quantum mechanics. In either example, there’s a lot of non-CRUD value. I don’t mean CRUD + [arbitrary hard thing X], I mean actually CRUD.

Want me to build your app / consult for your company / speak at your event? Good news! I'm an iOS developer for hire.

Like this post? Contribute to the coffee fund so I can write more like it.


  1. Phillip
    Thu 29th Dec 2011 at 3:30 am

    Hey Drew, very well written articles here. I miss listening to your ideas, especially when it seemed like you has discovered that math itself was broken. Your help on programming projects was invaluable.

  2. Thu 29th Dec 2011 at 3:42 pm

    Thank you for this. People criticise me for insisting on working on hard problems. I think most people just don’t see the value in it. But unless you try, you can’t do something truly great, something with lasting value that improves people’s lives, or helps them be better at what they do. And if nothing really matters, at least you can do something for your fellow humans, right?

  3. Fri 30th Dec 2011 at 9:55 am

    Thanks for challenging me. I’ve gotten comfortable over the past couple of years, which is a step away from being bored. And I hate being bored. I’m off to re-think how I approach parts of my work. Thanks!

  4. Sun 01st Jan 2012 at 8:56 pm

    I accept your challenge. This is my New Year resolution. I hope to see a follow up from you next year.

  5. kellogs
    Thu 12th Jan 2012 at 10:42 pm

    Hey man, great rants going about all the site!

    No problem, I can understand your frustration. After all, you are an iPhone coder (gulp) and you are probably experiencing some really sharp client shortage since every damn bit of this website cries out loud against overseas contractors.

    Yes! we are here, we will steal your business little by little. No, Windows is not the main thing anymore, iPhuck is. This is why Indians and Ukrainians have become all of a sudden so good at it. This is why you are bitching.

    Have some decency and allow my post to live on your site. Have some respect for that 10$/h idiot that does not live in the US, but otherwise nicely fits among those who have ” put 80 hours into a side project this year”. Well, over the last 3 months anyway.

    Greetings from Outsourcestan

  6. Drew Crawford
    Sat 14th Jan 2012 at 2:26 pm

    I think that the difference is almost entirely cultural.

    For example, overseas, social status is often conferred in proportion to the head count of the company that you work for. So the best and brightest and highest-paid developers are with companies like Microsoft. See, for example, the Japanese social standing of the Salarymen. Bad developers, on the other hand, end up in contracting shops.

    In the US, we place a much higher social value on individualism and autonomy. Working for Microsoft would be considered a mediocre job here. The best and brightest developers are contractors, consultants, or end up at small, boutique software development shops, because that grants the developer more autonomy and respect.

    So when someone is shopping a job to contractors, they are often comparing the very best developers that one country has to offer against the very worst that another country has to offer. When someone hires a contractor here they have the expectation that the contractor is among the highest skill relative to his peers, whereas the same job title in another country may be of the lowest skill level relative to his peers. And so a client may have much higher expectations than a foreign contractor can deliver, and sales reps know this and exploit this cultural bias to close sales.

  7. Thu 19th Jan 2012 at 11:25 am

    Great post, really got me thinking

  8. Mon 23rd Jan 2012 at 4:06 pm

    I think your comment got to me more than the original post. I’ve been saying for years that the only successful contracting relationships I’ve seen are when the scope of the work is very narrow or you find a star (rare).
    The article reinforced my recent realization of being in a career crisis 😉

  9. Tue 20th Mar 2012 at 9:32 pm

    This is exactly the kind of inspiration I’m always looking for. Thank you.

  10. cubeT
    Sat 21st Apr 2012 at 2:43 pm

    Keep that going! Do what keeps you active and extends your abilites.

    Just thought to share my view on the matter. You have to prepare yourself very well to compete with Outsourceizstan citizens in the freelance market. In Outsourceizstan big US companies offshore the ‘easy, dumb, CRUD’ jobs because they are easy so should be cheep right? On the other hand, people from Outsourceizstan are happy from the wage they receive there. But is it all about the money? Guess what happens when some team from Outsourceizstan of US corporation branch will start very interesting side project and will present it to top management? Just trivia, a thank you letter and the project goes of to the expensive region. Why, because it would be unreasonable to let people do ‘the expensive hard’ work and pay them cheep wage whilst ‘the easy CRUD’ work give to people who gets high salary.

    So the only force which can stop the nonsense of dividing the world to cheep and expensive region is the freelance market.

  11. Doug Hill
    Wed 21st Nov 2012 at 12:01 pm

    In a workshop once we asked each other about our strategies for gift-giving. My first filter was, “Is there something that only I can give?”
    Likewise for programming one might ask, “Is there a task that only I can do?” It’s not so much whether it’s hard or groundbreaking or cool, but if it ought to be done and no one else has the position, experiences, interest, perception, clout, perseverance, humility, attention, conceptual capacity or whatever the limiting item is, then that’s what you should do. It’s motivating to me at any rate.
    I remember thinking many years ago, after reading the first volume of The Art of Computer Programming and hearing that Knuth was working on a typesetting language, that this was an odd thing to get caught up in. I think I understand his motivation better now.

  12. Chris
    Sun 25th Nov 2012 at 5:14 am

    Thanks for writing this article, Drew – this really gave me food for thought.

  13. Thu 03rd Jan 2013 at 7:49 am

    Thanks for writing this, after 6 months of CRUD last year I was searching a some inspiration for the new year and this arcticle is a great call to action.

  14. TVD
    Thu 03rd Jan 2013 at 9:18 am

    I second @Chris in Thanking You for writing this article @Drew – It needed to be said.

    Many of us come back to this article to remind ourselves what we’re here to do.

    Being engineers, mathematicians and scientists carries a certain nobility and with that a certain responsibility.

    We did not train so hard to devise ever so more intricate ways to achieve data I/O.

    We trained to challenge the status quo; To develop solutions that before were thought impossible; To leave the field we love so much better than when we met it; To do hard things.

    Thank You for reminding us of this.

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