Phonepipe was one of my random app ideas that really never got the love and attention it deserved. I wrote it in a weekend, and then Monday happened and real work happened and it ended up on the shelf. There never was a terribly big market for it, and it would be too much work […]

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After having a few run-ins with various over-enterprising institutions, I’ve gotten a pretty good grasp on the state of US Wi-Fi law.  Behold, a FAQ. First of all, you have a right to run Wi-Fi networks, period.  The landowner can throw a hissy fit all they like, but (more often than not) you can still […]

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In: rants | Tags: ,

There are some really, really great iPhone games.  And there are more coming.  The unsung hero of the iPhone 3GS (and upcoming iPod Touch) is the new graphics chip, which is going to rock the socks off what we’ve been seeing so far. That said, I’m really worried.  Let me tell you why. Phoenix Wright […]

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In: iphone | Tags:

Hi Steve, I’m an iPhone developer. I’ve got four apps live in the store, one in review, and several more I’m working on. Plus the 3-4 apps that I’ve written for clients that they have listed under their own accounts. TUAW says you pulled GV Mobile. Not only do I use this app every day, […]

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UPDATE:Looking for an Austin iPhone Developer? I’m now accepting qualified clients. Learn more about my iPhone and iPad app development services. Or: Why finding an iPhone developer is so hard The answer is simple: all the good people are already busy. Wow, you just got your shiny new iPhone! You can download all these great […]

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In: iphone | Tags:

I have a lot of respect for the work Richard Stallman has done for software. He’s written some really awesome things, like Emacs and GCC. And he was one of the first to get people thinking about open source and free software. He was a pioneer in his field, and an all-around smart guy. And […]

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In: rants | Tags:

If you’re trying to talk to an MFMailComposeViewController and are setting the delegate property (you know, like every other class in the iPhone SDK), you’re doing it wrong. You need to set mailComposeDelegate. Oh, and just to confuse you, delegate is left in, so as not to cause any warnings or compile errors. It just […]

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In: Code,iphone | Tags:

Make sure Evernote is set up to export to your documents directory (File->Print->PDF->Save PDF as…) Make sure you don’t have anything important that would match “\d+.pdf” in ~/Documents Launch evernote, highlight the notebook, highlight the first note Run the applescript below Tell it how many notes are in the notebook

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17 Jul 2009, by

New host

I just moved this site over to a new VPS. Should be a little snappier.

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My last article on book scanning did so well that I think it’s time to expand it to a whole series on Lifehacking.  What do I do to cut through the madness and get things done? Dropbox is a cloud service that keeps all my files in sync across all my computers.  It exposes itself […]

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