Gistory is a new git client we’ve been working on at DrewCrawfordApps.  But it’s like no other git client you’ve seen before. The first git client with absolutely zero buttons. Augments, not replaces, the command line tools. Written by hardcore git users who hate GUI “clients”. git is to Gistory like vi is to vim, […]

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I “ported” thorncp’s fsck to objective-C this week.  fsck lets you tell the compiler how you really feel. Disclaimer: Although fully functional, this is a joke / prank project.  Do not actually use it in production. Examples Convenience constructors got you down? Just Tired of boxing primitive types? Show the compiler who’s boss! Keep forgetting […]

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From the chart below, 78% of what specific group agree that their school does a good job of encouraging parental involvement in educational areas? If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you can presumably answer this question without any difficulty.  It may surprise you to learn that answering this question correctly puts you in […]

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2 Sep 2011, by

On music

I’ve blogged in the bast about how I don’t believe in a distinction between applied and theoretical math. But there is a distinction, a distinction most of the world has completely forgotten about, between applied and theoretical music. What? Quick, think of your favorite song. Don’t worry, I’ll wait. No seriously, think of one before […]

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I was in a situation where I was calling a method that was calling a method that was calling a method that: Was calling dispatch_async and scheduling the start of a network request Doing all manner of low-level networking code on various threads Completing all the low-level stuff and executing a block all the way […]

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There’s a commonly-held myth in software pricing.  It goes like this.  The more something costs, fewer people will want to buy it.  Here’s the picture: This assumption, called elasticity of demand, is true in general but is wrong for software, or at least wrong from the point of view of a small ISV. First, demand […]

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Imagine if we lived in a world with an infinite amount of time.  You could get all your projects done, and you could read all the things.  What would you do with all that time? One thing you would do is talk to people.  Having conversations is one of the most useful things you can […]

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So here’s the problem.  You’re not going to read all the things.   You’re not going to read all the HN articles.  You’re not even going to read all the interesting HN articles.  You’re not even going to read every #1 HN article.  There are too many articles.  You have too many things in your […]

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14 Aug 2011, by

Wanted: nobody

Apologies in advance for another rant about the state of the iPhone contractor market. I answered one too many e-mails today and I kind of snapped.  So I have decided to leverage my soap box and take it out on you, dear reader. On any given day in every major city in America, roughly 10 […]

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In: rants | Tags:

If after upgrading to 10.7 Lion and XCode 4.1, your UI Automation bag-of-hacks goes to hell, you’re in good company.  Every time I try to run an automation test, the UI locks up–hard–but without the beachball of death.  Fortunately, command-tabbing back and forth between the iOS Simulator and Instruments a few times seems to clear […]

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